Aeronaut Outdoor Gear


The insulated sheet that transforms into a pillow on-the-go.
  • Add 10F of warmth to your system
  • Use on its own comfortably to ~55F / 13C.
  • Wing grabs in the corners let you wrap it around you and yours
  • Loops on the sides align perfectly with the Hoverquilt (Duo or Solo).
  • Integrated zipper pocket to stash phone, keys, headlamp, & transforms into comfy pillow

This is pure comfort on-the-go.  With a touch of insulation between softweave fabrics, it packs down tiny and can travel with you on a plane, a road trip, camping, hammocking, or at home watching TV.  Use it as a pillow, a sheet, a light blanket, or wrap anytime you need a little boost of warmth.

Limited edition Rayco Design print available in both Duo and Solo sizes!