Words by Ashley Giordano
28th April 2021
Words by Ashley Giordano
28th April 2021
These are the words of Rovers Magazine editor Jeffrey Aronson about the Equip the Elders initiative, which, in collaboration with MakerForce, provided much-needed face masks to families and elders in need on the Navajo nation.
We were so glad to be able to contribute to Equip the Elders and have the trip featured in one of our favorite online and print publications.
Read the full article in Rovers Magazine here >>
Spring is officially upon us, and we couldn't be more thrilled about it.
Although Spring can be an incredible time of year to explore the outdoors, weather does remain somewhat unpredictable. Flurries can occur at higher elevations, there is an increased chance of rain (April showers bring May flowers, after all), and temperatures remain cool at night.
However, with a little bit of planning and a few pieces of good-quality gear, it’s possible to enjoy all that Spring has to offer. To keep you comfortable and well-equipped during this camping season, we’ve selected our 10 favorite spring camping accessories for 2021.